Financial Auditing

Audit & Assurance

We offer engagement to examine our client’s financial statements and to evaluate the fairness of presentation of the statement in conformity with international standards in Auditing which include a review of the system of internal control and tests of transactions to the extent we believe necessary. 

We adopt a “Risk–based audit” approach which blends technical competencies with a detailed knowledge of the client and their needs. We obtain an in-depth understanding of the risks associated with each operating cycle and focus. Under this banner we offer the following audit and assurance services.

Statutory Audit / External Audit

Statutory audit provides the highest level of assurance. It is a methodical review and objective examination of the financial statements, including the verification of specific information as determined by the auditor or as established by general practice.


Our work includes a review of internal controls, testing of selected transactions, and communication with third parties. Based on our findings, we issue a report on whether the financial statements are fairly stated and free of material misstatements.

Internal Audit

Internal audit is an oversight function, an independent appraisal activity established within an organization, and provides assurance to the shareholders, board and management by reporting on;

  • The effectiveness of the internal controls;
  • Reliability of the management information systems;
  • Management and control of the organization’s assets
  • Compliance with applicable legislations and regulations.

We provide internal audit solutions which range from the total outsourcing of the internal audit function to outsourcing its supervision or setting out an independent internal audit function. This is extended to advising clients to make effective use of data mining tools and computer assisted auditing techniques.

Other Audit Services

  •  Performance or value for money audit;
  • Special audits and investigations;
  •  Review and implementation of internal audit functions, including outsourcing;
  •  Review and implementation of Management Information Systems (MIS); and
  •  Inventory audits.
  •  System audits.