Accounting services

Accounting Services

The advent of information technology has significantly altered the traditional approach of conducting business and has also changed the pattern of business organization in this new environment, one aspect contributing to the success of the business significantly rest on the provision of timely and reliable financial information to promote confidence amongst its stake holders, decision makers and other users of such information.

  •  Electronic record keeping
  •  Accounts Package Installation & training
  • Set up new Accounts & Training
  • Designing and evaluation of cost and management accounting system
  •  Year-end Account Finalization
  •  Review and presentation of financial statements
  •  Counseling on weaknesses of internal control and recommending remedial measures
  •  Diagnostic review , designing and establishment of budgetary and stock controls.
  •  Advising of development of accounting data for making decisions concerning management
  • Assisting decision making based on financial data
  •  Stock valuation