Historical Financial Results - PAKISTAN
Historical Financial Results - PAKISTAN
The section covers the overall historical financial performance and financial position of the business during the past two years FY 2020 & FY 2019.
Profit & Loss Statement:
The key financial indicators of the parent company have been summarized as follows:
Balance sheet
R.S Associates makes use of working capital strategically. Bellow is the snapshot of the financial position of the business for FY 2017 & 2018:
The evolution of the turnover of the business in Pakistan with each stage of expansion is summarized in a graph as follows:
The revenue streams for R.S Associates can be classified into four core revenue areas: (a) accounting, audit and related professional services; (b) company formation and industrial projects; (c) tax & VAT consultation and advisory; and (d) outsourcing solutions. The revenue streams structure is summarised as follows: